9 Şubat 2012 Perşembe

Kiss Me Baby One More Time

   Her real name is Katherine Barlow. She is teacher of town Green Lake and she makes delicious spiced peaches which will be called by Zero and Stanley "Sploosh". She teaches during day children and at night adults. Most men find her very attractive. But she falls in love in Sam, who is a black man and sells onions. Sam   
gives her his best onions and fixes her broken things. She gives him her spiced peaches. She is also very brave and pretty woman. She is the first woman who says to Trout Walker "no". One day Sam kisses her. Someone sees them and public destroys school and decides to kill Sam. Sam is shooted and killed his boat (RACISM ALERT!) because he sells onions and he is black! Blacks cannot kiss white women! 

   Three days later she shoots and kills sheriff and gives him a kiss he wanted and she becomes Kissing Kate Barlow who one of the most feared outlaws in all west for the next twenty years, but her only known victim is Green Lake's sheriff. She kills people and gives them kiss public says. Also she robs I. Stanley Yelnats but she doesn't kill him. She returns after twenty years to the Green Lake but lake becomes a desert. Trout Walker comes and wants from her to tell him where the loot which she has from robbed banks. But she doesn't tell him that she buried the loot and she says to him:
  "You, and your children and their children, can dig for the hundred years and you'll never find it."
 Yellow-spotted lizard comes but she does nothing because she wants to die. It bites her and she dies laughing.

   I liked this character, because she is true lover who never forgets Sam. She is very brave and pretty woman. She has own beliefs and values.

W:308                          Character Analysis

2 yorum:

  1. I really liked your attractive title, it reminded me the song of Britney Spears. :) And I liked your comments on Kissin' Kate Barlow
