9 Şubat 2012 Perşembe

25th May

      Dear dairy,
   Today is my SECOND day in the Camp Green Lake and i dug my SECOND hole. It was harder than my first hole. I was the last boy who finished digging like yesterday.
   I found an interesting fish fossil in my hole. I was very excited, because if Warden liked it I would get rest of the day off, but she didn't. :( X-ray said to me that I should give it to him if I find something else. I said ok, because I think it's fair. He've been here for a year but he have never found anything. Maybe my luck is coming back :) but i don't feel lucky.
   I am glad to come here. Diggin' holes becoming harder but I have many new friends and I think they are very nice and cool boys. I have a nickname. They call me "CAVEMAN" It means they accepted me as a member of group.
   We talked with Mr. Pendanski about future. I used to want to work for FBI but now I don't know what I want to become. Mr. Pendanski asked me why I was here and I said that because of my no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and everybody laughed except Mr. Pendanski. Even Zero smiled who always seems angry and digs very fast. Zero is a strange boy. I think he has some problems but he don't want to share it with us.
   I should sleep. Good night. Tomorrow won't be easier than today.

W:247                                           Personal Connection

4 yorum:

  1. This is exactly what Stanley would write :) Nice entry meet :)

  2. Nice illustrations and ideas :) I liked the last sentence.

  3. nice in general :)I was thinking the same as I read your sentence: "I should sleep"
